Для выполнения упражнения 313, где нужно передать предложения в косвенной речи (reported speech), следует помнить основные правила:
- В косвенной речи времена глаголов смещаются назад (если речь идет о прошедшем времени).
- Личные местоимения и наречия времени/места меняются в зависимости от контекста.
Теперь разберем каждое предложение.
1. He said: "I am sure she will come in time."
Перевод в косвенную речь:
He said that he was sure she would come in time.
Объяснение: Глагол "will" меняется на "would", так как речь передается в прошедшем времени.
2. She said: "I shall be able to read English newspapers without a dictionary next year."
Перевод в косвенную речь:
She said that she would be able to read English newspapers without a dictionary the following year.
Объяснение: "Shall" заменяется на "would", а "next year" изменяется на "the following year".
3. They said: "We shall not go to school on Sunday."
Перевод в косвенную речь:
They said that they would not go to school on Sunday.
Объяснение: "Shall not" заменяется на "would not".
4. Mr. Dickson said: "I shall have to pay a lot of money for the car."
Перевод в косвенную речь:
Mr. Dickson said that he would have to pay a lot of money for the car.
Объяснение: "Shall" заменяется на "would".
5. Peter said to me: "I'll be waiting for you at the station."
Перевод в косвенную речь:
Peter told me that he would be waiting for me at the station.
Объяснение: "I'll" (I will) меняется на "he would", а личные местоимения меняются в зависимости от контекста.
6. Mary said: "I'll be back soon."
Перевод в косвенную речь:
Mary said that she would be back soon.
Объяснение: "I'll" меняется на "she would".
7. She said to me: "What are you going to do when you come home?"
Перевод в косвенную речь:
She asked me what I was going to do when I came home.
Объяснение: Прямая речь с вопросом передается через "asked". Глагол "are going" меняется на "was going", а "come" на "came".
8. She said: "I hope I'll soon speak English well."
Перевод в косвенную речь:
She said that she hoped she would soon speak English well.
Объяснение: "Hope" в настоящем времени изменяется на "hoped", "I'll" на "she would".
9. He said: "I am sure it will rain tomorrow."
Перевод в косвенную речь:
He said that he was sure it would rain the next day.
Объяснение: "Am sure" меняется на "was sure", "will" на "would", а "tomorrow" на "the next day".
10. They said: "We shall go to the river tomorrow if it is hot."
Перевод в косвенную речь:
They said that they would go to the river the next day if it was hot.
Объяснение: "Shall" меняется на "would", а "tomorrow" на "the next day".
11. She said: "I am busy today and I shall be busier tomorrow."
Перевод в косвенную речь:
She said that she was busy that day and that she would be busier the next day.
Объяснение: "Am busy" меняется на "was busy", "today" на "that day", "shall" на "would", "tomorrow" на "the next day".
12. Jane said: "I shall come to school early tomorrow."
Перевод в косвенную речь:
Jane said that she would come to school early the next day.
Объяснение: "Shall" меняется на "would", а "tomorrow" на "the next day".
Таким образом, все предложения преобразованы в косвенную речь с учетом правил изменения времен, местоимений и обстоятельств времени/места.