СРОЧНО! Use the prompts to give the correct advice, using either should or shouldn't. A: oh no! it's...

дождь зонт советы ожидание погода


Use the prompts to give the correct advice, using either should or shouldn't.

A: oh no! it's raining and i have no umbrella! B: (wait/rain stop)

задан 2 дня назад

2 Ответа


B: You should wait for the rain to stop.

In this situation, the advice being given is to wait until the rain ceases before proceeding without an umbrella. This suggestion is practical because waiting can help avoid getting wet and potentially uncomfortable or sick. Using "should" indicates that this is a recommended course of action, emphasizing that waiting is the logical and advisable choice given the circumstances.

ответил 2 дня назад

B: You should wait until the rain stops before going outside. If you absolutely need to leave, try to find shelter or use something else to cover your head temporarily. It's best to avoid getting wet if possible to prevent getting sick.

ответил 2 дня назад

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