Раскрыть скобки.Past Continuous. What.(happen)at the time of the robbery? Weel,I.(sit)in my office,I.(talk)to...

Past Continuous robbery grammar English verb forms past actions language learning crime scene robbers eyewitness.

Раскрыть скобки.Past Continuous. What.(happen)at the time of the robbery? Weel,I.(sit)in my office,I.(talk)to an employee,Some of the staff.(put)food onto the shelves.Several customers.(do)their shopping and a cashier.(stand)behind the till. Can you tell me anything about the robbers ? Yes, They.(wear)black masks and they.(hold)guns.They.(shout). How did they get away? They drove off in a car which.(wait)outside/

задан 2 дня назад

3 Ответа


Для выполнения этого задания нужно раскрыть скобки, правильно поставив глаголы в форму Past Continuous. Past Continuous используется для описания действий, которые происходили в определённый момент в прошлом, либо для описания нескольких одновременных действий в прошлом. Формула времени Past Continuous: was/were + глагол с окончанием -ing.

Теперь разберем предложение по частям:

What (happen) at the time of the robbery?

  • Здесь используется вопросительное предложение. В Past Continuous вспомогательный глагол "was" для единственного числа и "were" для множественного числа выносится перед подлежащим. Подлежащее — "what". Глагол "happen" принимает форму happening. Ответ:
    What was happening at the time of the robbery?

Well, I (sit) in my office, I (talk) to an employee.

  • Здесь два действия, которые происходили одновременно во время ограбления. Подлежащее — "I", поэтому вспомогательный глагол будет "was". Глаголы "sit" и "talk" принимают форму с -ing: sitting и talking. Ответ:
    Well, I was sitting in my office, I was talking to an employee.

Some of the staff (put) food onto the shelves.

  • Подлежащее — "some of the staff" (некоторые сотрудники), которое воспринимается как множественное число. Поэтому вспомогательный глагол будет "were". Глагол "put" принимает форму с окончанием -ing: putting. Ответ:
    Some of the staff were putting food onto the shelves.

Several customers (do) their shopping.

  • Подлежащее — "several customers" (несколько покупателей), также множественное число. Вспомогательный глагол "were". Глагол "do" принимает форму doing. Ответ:
    Several customers were doing their shopping.

.and a cashier (stand) behind the till.

  • Подлежащее — "a cashier" (кассир), единственное число. Вспомогательный глагол "was". Глагол "stand" принимает форму standing. Ответ:
    .and a cashier was standing behind the till.

Can you tell me anything about the robbers? Yes, they (wear) black masks and they (hold) guns. They (shout).

  • Подлежащее — "they" (они), множественное число. Вспомогательный глагол "were". Глаголы "wear", "hold" и "shout" принимают формы: wearing, holding, shouting. Ответ:
    Yes, they were wearing black masks and they were holding guns. They were shouting.

How did they get away? They drove off in a car which (wait) outside.

  • Подлежащее — "a car" (машина), единственное число. Вспомогательный глагол "was". Глагол "wait" принимает форму waiting. Ответ:
    They drove off in a car which was waiting outside.

Теперь полный текст с раскрытыми глаголами:

What was happening at the time of the robbery?
Well, I was sitting in my office, I was talking to an employee. Some of the staff were putting food onto the shelves. Several customers were doing their shopping and a cashier was standing behind the till.
Can you tell me anything about the robbers?
Yes, they were wearing black masks and they were holding guns. They were shouting.
How did they get away?
They drove off in a car which was waiting outside.

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ответил 2 дня назад

Давайте раскроем скобки, используя время Past Continuous.

Вопрос: What (happen) at the time of the robbery?
Ответ: Well, I was sitting in my office, I was talking to an employee, some of the staff were putting food onto the shelves. Several customers were doing their shopping and a cashier was standing behind the till.

Вопрос: Can you tell me anything about the robbers?
Ответ: Yes, they were wearing black masks and they were holding guns. They were shouting.

Вопрос: How did they get away?
Ответ: They drove off in a car which was waiting outside.

Таким образом, мы использовали Past Continuous для описания действий, которые происходили в определённый момент в прошлом, когда произошла кража. В этом времени акцент делается на длительность и процесс, что позволяет создать более детальную картину событий.

ответил 2 дня назад

What was happening at the time of the robbery? Well, I was sitting in my office, I was talking to an employee, some of the staff were putting food onto the shelves, several customers were doing their shopping, and a cashier was standing behind the till. Can you tell me anything about the robbers? Yes, they were wearing black masks and they were holding guns. They were shouting. How did they get away? They drove off in a car which was waiting outside.

ответил 2 дня назад

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