Давайте разберем каждое из предложений и преобразуем глаголы в скобках в три указанных времени: Present Indefinite, Future Indefinite и Future Continuous.
1) Don't ring her up at 12 o'clock. She is writing her composition then.
- Present Indefinite: writes
- Future Indefinite: will write
- Future Continuous: will be writing
2) At this time tomorrow the boys of our group will be playing football.
- Present Indefinite: play
- Future Indefinite: will play
- Future Continuous: will be playing
3) When we arrive in Moscow, it will probably rain.
- Present Indefinite: rains
- Future Indefinite: will rain
- Future Continuous: will be raining
4) It is nearly autumn, soon the leaves will change colour.
- Present Indefinite: change
- Future Indefinite: will change
- Future Continuous: will be changing
5) I will be in Irkutsk tomorrow morning.
- Present Indefinite: am
- Future Indefinite: will be
- Future Continuous: will be being (но это не употребляется в английском языке)
6) My cousin will be 21 years old next year.
- Present Indefinite: is
- Future Indefinite: will be
- Future Continuous: will be being (не употребляется)
7) "We will come at 5 o'clock." "Good, I will be waiting for you."
- Present Indefinite: come, wait
- Future Indefinite: will come, will wait
- Future Continuous: will be coming, will be waiting
8) At this time next week they will be sitting in the train on their way to Moscow.
- Present Indefinite: sit
- Future Indefinite: will sit
- Future Continuous: will be sitting
9) If you want to see us, come to Tom's on Sunday. We will be waiting for you there at midday.
- Present Indefinite: want, wait
- Future Indefinite: will want, will wait
- Future Continuous: will be wanting, will be waiting
10) I will know the result in a day.
- Present Indefinite: know
- Future Indefinite: will know
- Future Continuous: will be knowing (не употребляется)
11) I will not see him again for a long time.
- Present Indefinite: do not see
- Future Indefinite: will not see
- Future Continuous: will not be seeing (не употребляется)
12) They will have English from nine to ten in this room tomorrow. Don't let anyone disturb them then.
- Present Indefinite: have
- Future Indefinite: will have
- Future Continuous: will be having
13) "I will call for her at eight." "No, don't, she will be having breakfast then."
- Present Indefinite: call, have
- Future Indefinite: will call, will have
- Future Continuous: will be calling, will be having
14) My son will be in the ninth form next year. Your mother will teach him English.
- Present Indefinite: is, teaches
- Future Indefinite: will be, will teach
- Future Continuous: will be being (не употребляется), will be teaching
15) "What will you be doing at this time next Friday?" "Oh, I will be working as usual."
- Present Indefinite: do, work
- Future Indefinite: will do, will work
- Future Continuous: will be doing, will be working
16) What will the children be doing when we get home? "I think they will be playing."
- Present Indefinite: do, get, play
- Future Indefinite: will do, will get, will play
- Future Continuous: will be doing, will be getting, will be playing
17) "Will you have lunch with me on Monday?" "I'd love to, but I'm afraid I will be taking my exams then."
- Present Indefinite: have, take
- Future Indefinite: will have, will take
- Future Continuous: will be having, will be taking
18) I do not remember when they return.
- Present Indefinite: do not remember
- Future Indefinite: will not remember
- Future Continuous: will not be remembering (не употребляется)
19) When I get home my dog will be sitting at the door waiting for me.
- Present Indefinite: get, sit
- Future Indefinite: will get, will sit
- Future Continuous: will be getting, will be sitting
Надеюсь, это поможет вам лучше понять использование различных временных форм!