прошу помогите решить тест по англ)) ток правильно прошу от этого теста будет зависить все )) заранее спасибо 1) Russia. a vast territory . a)occupies ;b) occupy ; c ) is occupiend ; d) occupiend 2) pople living is Scotland are called . a) Irish ; b) Scottish ; c ) English ; d) Scotlander 3) The UK consists of . parts. a) two ; b) five ; c) three ; d )four 4) North Ireland is a part of . a) Great Britain ; b) the UK ; c ) the Irish Republic ; d) the USA 5) The United Kingdom is a . monarchy . a) absolute ; b) state ; c) constitutional ; d) democratic 6) The island of Great Britain is surrounded . water . a) from ; b) at ; c) with ; d) by