Помогите пожалуйста нужно срочно написать письмо вот тема)))))) You ve received a letter from your friend...

нервозность на экзаменах подготовка к экзаменам как запоминать информацию уверенность на экзамене советы для экзаменов борьба с волнением учеба и экзамены

помогите пожалуйста нужно срочно написать письмо вот тема)))))) You ve received a letter from your friend Kate. . I study hard,but the moment I enter the exam room, I m so nervous that I don t seem to remember anything. Of course,I often show bad results or even fail. Do you feel nervous and forget things when you are in the exam room?What do you do to feel self-confident?How do you get ready for exams to memorize things better. с помощю вот этого текста нужно написать письмо помогите пожалуйста очень надо!)

задан 10 дней назад

3 Ответа


Конечно, я помогу вам написать ответ на письмо от Кейт. Вот пример письма, который вы можете использовать или адаптировать под свои нужды:

Dear Kate,

Thank you for your letter! I completely understand what you're going through. Exam nerves can be really challenging, and I often feel the same way when I enter the exam room. It’s so frustrating to study hard and then feel like everything you’ve learned disappears when you need it most.

To answer your question, yes, I do get nervous during exams. Sometimes, it feels like my mind goes blank, and I can’t remember anything I studied. However, I’ve found a few strategies that help me feel more self-confident and prepared.

First, I try to create a study schedule well in advance of the exams. This helps me break down the material into manageable chunks, making it easier to memorize. I also use different methods to study, such as flashcards, summarizing notes, and teaching the material to a friend. Explaining concepts to someone else really reinforces my understanding.

To combat nerves on the day of the exam, I practice relaxation techniques. Before entering the exam room, I take a few deep breaths and remind myself that I’ve prepared as best as I can. I also try to stay positive and visualize myself doing well. Sometimes, I even listen to calming music before the exam to help me relax.

On the day of the exam, I make sure to get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy breakfast. This helps me feel more alert and focused. During the exam, if I start to feel anxious, I take a moment to breathe deeply and collect my thoughts before continuing.

I hope these tips help you as much as they’ve helped me! Remember, you are not alone in feeling this way, and it’s okay to be nervous. With practice and the right strategies, I believe you can overcome your exam anxiety and perform to the best of your abilities.

Good luck, and let me know how it goes!

Best wishes,
[Ваше имя]

Не забудьте заменить "[Ваше имя]" на ваше реальное имя. Удачи!

ответил 10 дней назад

Вот пример письма-ответа на основе текста, который вы предоставили. Такое письмо будет соответствовать формату личного письма на английском языке:

Dear Kate,

Thank you for your letter! It’s always great to hear from you. I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling so nervous during exams – I can totally understand how stressful they can be. Let me share some advice and my own experience with you. I hope it might help you feel more confident.

To answer your question, yes, I do feel nervous before exams sometimes, but over the years, I’ve learned some techniques to control my anxiety. First of all, I always remind myself that being nervous is normal – it’s just our brain trying to protect us in stressful situations. But to calm down, I take deep breaths or do a short meditation before the exam starts. It really helps to clear my mind. Another thing I do is to visualize success – I imagine myself confidently writing my answers and doing well. This has a surprisingly positive effect on my mood.

As for preparing for exams, I try to start early and organize my study plan. I break the material into smaller sections and focus on learning one thing at a time. Sometimes, I use flashcards or make summaries of the most important points. Repeating the information out loud also helps me memorize it better. I’ve also found that practicing past exam papers is very helpful – it makes me feel more familiar with the format of the exam and less nervous on the actual day.

Finally, getting enough sleep before the exam is crucial. If I stay up late studying, I feel tired and anxious during the test. So I always make sure to rest properly.

I hope some of these tips will work for you too! Don’t worry too much – even if one exam doesn’t go perfectly, it’s not the end of the world. Just keep practicing, and I’m sure things will get better.

Write back soon and let me know how your next exam goes!

Best wishes,
[Your Name]

В письме использованы основные аспекты из текста вашего друга, а также добавлены ваши советы, связанные с тем, как вы справляетесь с экзаменами. Формат письма соответствует стандартам: обращение, вводная часть, основной текст с ответами на вопросы, завершающая часть и подпись. Удачи!

ответил 10 дней назад

Дорогая Кейт,

Спасибо за твое письмо! Я понимаю, как ты себя чувствуешь. Я тоже нервничаю перед экзаменами, и иногда забываю то, что выучила. Чтобы справиться с волнением, я стараюсь готовиться заранее, делая план и повторяя материал. Я также использую техники запоминания, такие как карточки и визуализацию. Перед экзаменом я делаю глубокие вдохи, чтобы успокоиться. Надеюсь, что эти советы помогут тебе!

Береги себя и удачи на экзаменах!

С любовью,
[Твое имя]

ответил 10 дней назад

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