Найти в тексте глаголы в Past Simple. напиши их первую форму. пример: lived- live? had- have. текст...

Father Elephant Mother Elephant Baby Elephant Africa school football team socks T shirt shorts Mrs Lion Mrs Tiger new clothes shop little Lions sad

Найти в тексте глаголы в Past Simple. напиши их первую форму. пример: lived- live? had- have. текст ниже. Father Elephant and Mother Elephant lived in Africa and they had a little Baby Elephant. One day Father Elephant carne home and saw that (что) his dear little Baby Elephant was sad. And Father Elephant asked, "Why are you sad, my little Baby Elephant?" Baby Elephant said, "Oh, Dad, I want to play in our school football team. But my socks, T-shirt and shorts are too small and I can't put them on." "Don't worry, my dear!" said Father Elephant. "I'll buy you nice new clothes." They came to Mrs Lion's shop. "Good morning, Mrs Lion," said Father Elephant. "Good morning, Mr Elephant!" said Mrs Lion. "Can I help you?" "Have you got any nice socks for my little Baby Elephant? 1 want to buy him some new socks," said Father Elephant. "All our socks are too (слишком) small for your Baby Elephant. But wait (подождите) a little, and my little Lions will make him new beautiful socks." The little Lions made nice new yellow socks for Baby Elephant. Then Father Elephant paid (заплатил) for the socks and put them on Baby Elephant. Baby Elephant was very glad, and he said, "I like my new socks very much, thank you." "Let's buy you a new T-shirt and shorts now!" said Father Elephant. So they went to Mrs Tiger's shop.

задан 6 месяцев назад

3 Ответа


lived- live had- have came- come asked- ask said- say was- be put- put bought- buy made- make paid- pay liked- like went- go

ответил 6 месяцев назад

В данном тексте есть несколько глаголов в Past Simple. Вот они с их первой формой:

  1. lived - live
  2. had - have
  3. came - come
  4. saw - see
  5. asked - ask
  6. said - say
  7. was - be
  8. bought - buy
  9. made - make
  10. paid - pay
  11. put - put
  12. went - go

Теперь рассмотрим их в контексте предложений из текста:

  1. lived (жили) - live (жить)

    • Father Elephant and Mother Elephant lived in Africa.
  2. had (имели) - have (иметь)

    • They had a little Baby Elephant.
  3. came (пришёл) - come (приходить)

    • Father Elephant came home.
  4. saw (увидел) - see (видеть)

    • Father Elephant saw that his dear little Baby Elephant was sad.
  5. asked (спросил) - ask (спрашивать)

    • Father Elephant asked, "Why are you sad, my little Baby Elephant?"
  6. said (сказал) - say (говорить)

    • Baby Elephant said, "Oh, Dad, I want to play in our school football team."
    • "Don't worry, my dear!" said Father Elephant.
    • "Good morning, Mrs Lion," said Father Elephant.
    • "Good morning, Mr Elephant!" said Mrs Lion.
    • "Have you got any nice socks for my little Baby Elephant? I want to buy him some new socks," said Father Elephant.
    • Baby Elephant was very glad, and he said, "I like my new socks very much, thank you."
    • "Let's buy you a new T-shirt and shorts now!" said Father Elephant.
  7. was (был) - be (быть)

    • Baby Elephant was sad.
    • Baby Elephant was very glad.
  8. bought (купил) - buy (покупать)

    • "I'll buy you nice new clothes," said Father Elephant.
  9. made (сделали) - make (делать)

    • The little Lions made nice new yellow socks for Baby Elephant.
  10. paid (заплатил) - pay (платить)

    • Then Father Elephant paid for the socks.
  11. put (надел) - put (надевать)

    • Father Elephant put them on Baby Elephant.
  12. went (пошли) - go (идти)

    • So they went to Mrs Tiger's shop.

Это все глаголы в Past Simple, найденные в тексте, с указанием их первой формы.

ответил 6 месяцев назад

lived- live had- have came- come saw- see asked- ask said- say was- be wanted- want were- be put- put worried- worry bought- buy made- make waited- wait liked- like paid- pay put- put went- go

ответил 6 месяцев назад

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