Конечно, вот расширенный ответ на ваш вопрос:
Правила поведения в зоопарке с использованием модальных глаголов must и mustn't:
- You must follow all posted signs and instructions from zoo staff.
- You must stay on designated pathways and not climb on fences or barriers.
- You must respect the animals by not yelling, banging on glass enclosures, or feeding them without permission.
- You must keep a safe distance from the animals at all times and not try to touch them.
- You mustn't litter or throw objects into animal enclosures.
- You mustn't bring any outside food or drinks into the zoo without approval.
- You mustn't smoke or vape in non-designated areas.
- You mustn't disturb or harass the animals in any way.
- You mustn't bring pets into the zoo unless they are service animals.
Following these rules will help ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for both visitors and animals at the zoo.