Из трех слов выберете одно, подходящее по смыслу. Подчеркните его. Модель: If employees are fired or penalized for whistle-blowing, they can . a) prosecute b) sue c) defend If employees are fired or penalized for whistle-blowing, they can sue.
- The person who brings a complaint in a civil case iscalled the . a) defendant b) plaintiff c) petitioner
- Wrongs done against the person or property in civil law are called . a) torts b) tortures c) thefts
- . is the illegal trading of a company’s shares by staff who have confidential company information that would affect the share price. a) Hacking b) Money laundering c) Insider dealing
- Some attorneys charge higher . than others for giving the same advice! a) fees b) prices c) costs
- The . sentences the defendant after the jurors have brought in a guilty verdict. a) jury b) jurist c) judge
- The fear of going to prison . potential criminals from committing crimes. a) deters b) defers c) distracts
- . - criminal offences less than felonies; generally those punishable by fine or imprisonment of less than 90 days in a local facility. a) manslaughter b) misdemeanor c) misconduct
- Department stores lose millions from . This kind of crime is definitely on the increase. a) kidnapping b) pickpocketing c) shoplifting
- She will inherit a lot of money, as she is the main . of her uncle’s will. a) executor b) trustee c) beneficiary