Generation gap is a popular term used to describe serious differences between people of two generations.
Generation gap includes several aspects:
children must know as much as possible about their parents
parents must know about the world outlook of their children
about relations between brothers and sisters
about the attitude between grandparents to grandchildren
There are many families where both parents keep working after giving birth to their baby. In such cases most of the time the child has to spend on his own or with his friends. Due to the fact he may involved in some bad companies
and, there is a different situation when the parents treat their children too strict and don't give them any freedom at all. In this case the children may become pariahs among their peers.
Some children rebel against discipline and family values. They want to be treated as adults, but they are not ready to take all the necessary
Parents should become his close friends. First of all they should learn to respect his interests. Parents should always be honest and sincere with their child;
Overindulgence may lead to the same results as negligence. There are parents who are afraid of hurting the child by banning something when it is necessary. Such parents risk becoming powerless in the family and losing control over their children who may become spoiled and capricious.
It demands to make a great effort from both parents and children to reach mutual understanding. There are many different opinions on the question of treating children if they disobey their parents, but every parent should decide for himself what will be best for his child and set him on the right path.
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