Complete the sentences. 1 She was sent home because . 2 Take some money in case . 3 There were so many...

задания по английскому языку дополнение предложений грамматика практика английского обучение языку условные предложения причины и следствия упражнения на английском изучение английского английский для начинающих

Complete the sentences. 1 She was sent home because . 2 Take some money in case . 3 There were so many people at the party . 4 He's been training at the gym in order . 5 She's such a boring person . 6 It was such nice weather . 7 They were all looking at her because . 8 They bought lots of food in case . 9 She earns so little money . 10 He doesn't have a mobile phone so .

задан 8 месяцев назад

3 Ответа


1 She was sent home because she was feeling unwell. 2 Take some money in case you need to buy something. 3 There were so many people at the party that it was hard to move around. 4 He's been training at the gym in order to get stronger. 5 She's such a boring person that no one wanted to talk to her. 6 It was such nice weather that we decided to have a picnic. 7 They were all looking at her because she was wearing a strange outfit. 8 They bought lots of food in case they had guests over. 9 She earns so little money that she struggles to make ends meet. 10 He doesn't have a mobile phone so he can't be reached easily.

ответил 8 месяцев назад

Конечно, давай разберем каждое предложение и завершим его логически и грамматически правильно.

  1. She was sent home because she wasn't feeling well.

    • Она была отправлена домой, потому что она плохо себя чувствовала.
  2. Take some money in case you need to buy something.

    • Возьми немного денег на случай, если тебе нужно будет что-то купить.
  3. There were so many people at the party that it was hard to move around.

    • На вечеринке было так много людей, что было трудно передвигаться.
  4. He's been training at the gym in order to improve his fitness.

    • Он тренируется в спортзале, чтобы улучшить свою физическую форму.
  5. She's such a boring person that nobody wants to talk to her.

    • Она такой скучный человек, что никто не хочет с ней разговаривать.
  6. It was such nice weather that we decided to go for a picnic.

    • Погода была такой хорошей, что мы решили устроить пикник.
  7. They were all looking at her because she was wearing a stunning dress.

    • Все смотрели на нее, потому что она была в потрясающем платье.
  8. They bought lots of food in case more guests arrived.

    • Они купили много еды на случай, если придет больше гостей.
  9. She earns so little money that she has to budget very carefully.

    • Она зарабатывает так мало денег, что ей приходится очень тщательно планировать бюджет.
  10. He doesn't have a mobile phone so you can't reach him easily.

    • У него нет мобильного телефона, поэтому его трудно найти.

Таким образом, завершение каждого предложения делает его логичным и грамматически правильным.

ответил 8 месяцев назад

  1. She was sent home because she was feeling unwell.
  2. Take some money in case you need to buy something.
  3. There were so many people at the party that it was difficult to move around.
  4. He's been training at the gym in order to improve his strength and fitness.
  5. She's such a boring person that no one wants to spend time with her.
  6. It was such nice weather that we decided to have a picnic in the park.
  7. They were all looking at her because she was wearing a beautiful dress.
  8. They bought lots of food in case they have unexpected guests.
  9. She earns so little money that she struggles to make ends meet.
  10. He doesn't have a mobile phone so he uses a landline to make calls.

ответил 8 месяцев назад

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