2-3 Стишка на тему "Хобби" на английском. Коротких желательно.

hobby poems short creative leisure pastime fun rhymes English

2-3 Стишка на тему "Хобби" на английском. Коротких желательно.

задан 4 месяца назад

3 Ответа


  1. I love to paint, it's my delight, With colors bright, my canvas I ignite.

  2. Reading books brings me such joy, With every page, my mind does employ.

  3. Gardening is my favorite pastime, Watching flowers bloom, oh what a sublime!

ответил 4 месяца назад

Конечно, вот несколько коротких стихотворений на тему "Хобби" на английском языке:

Gardening Bliss

In the garden, spade in hand,
I cultivate this patch of land.
With every seed, my worries cease,
In nature’s arms, I find my peace.

Sketching Dreams

Pencil dances on the page,
Capturing dreams at any age.
Lines and shades, a world unfurls,
In art's embrace, my spirit twirls.

Melody's Embrace

Fingers on strings, a gentle strum,
In music's world, my heart's become.
Every note a soaring flight,
Hobby's joy, pure delight.

Каждое из этих стихотворений отражает радость и удовлетворение, которые приносят различные хобби, будь то садоводство, рисование или музыка.

ответил 4 месяца назад

  1. I love to paint, it brings me joy, Creating art, oh what a ploy! With brush in hand, I let colors flow, My hobby brings me peace, don't you know?

  2. Gardening is my hobby, I plant with delight, Watching flowers bloom, such a beautiful sight. In the garden I find solace, peace and tranquility, My hobby brings me joy, it sets my soul free.

ответил 4 месяца назад

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